openedu Project

By Wikimedia España


Immunology and Wikipedia

Activity of the interuniversity project Immunomedia, with the realization of articles in Spanish (translation or creation or improvement) related to Human Immunology, Immunopathology and Immunotherapy. It is a group activity within the subject of Human Immunology at the University of Valladolid.

We started the collaboration during the academic year 2017-2018, it is incorporated as an activity of the interuniversity project Immunomedia, the realization of wikis in Spanish (translation or creation or improvement) related to Human Immunology, Immunopathology and Immunotherapy. It is a group activity within the subject of Human Immunology at the University of Valladolid under the supervision of Alfredo Corell. In the courses 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 more than 20 wikis related to Immunology have been improved and updated and more than 10 original images have been added in wikimedia commons.

The project is organized into different lines of action, which strategically respond to the different challenges that have been addressed since its inception:

  • Creation of multimedia learning objects in Immunology.
  • Creation of contents in Wikicommons and Wikipedia (Inmunopedia).
  • "Content curation of immunology learning and dissemination material.
  • Social networks and teaching/dissemination of Immunology
  • Taking defenses to the streets (different activities commemorating the International Day of Immunology).
  • Internationalization of the project (English, French, Portuguese)
  • Assessment of knowledge/learning through games (gamification)
  • Creation of a web content portal "Immunomedia3" that gives structure to all the previous elements.

For more information look at the following websites: